Tonight the Field Squared team pushed a new version 2.6 of our Web App to production!
Here's all the new stuff you get this week:
- Supervisor user types can now manage new or existing user accounts in App Builder which means you don't need to make people Subscription Admins in order to manage new user accounts. This is useful for franchises and large enterprises where local franchises or divisions manage their own users separately to corporate, but you don't want your local supervisors to be able to modify your apps.
- Text Area controls now scrolls in read only mode if the text is longer than the size of the control
- Large ESRI SHP files can now be improte with ease
- App Builder's Task Type editor has got a much needed facelift
- User Accounts can now be created or removed directly from the Teams tab, to speed up creating big teams
- The Task Board now filters the available properties for Team and User filtering alphabetically
- The bug where deleting Survey control questions in Forms Builder always deletes the last question no matter what has been fixed
- If you forget to press "Save" on the Task Details screen, we'll now save the task details for you! You can still cancel your changes without saving.